Sunday, February 3, 2013

VLOG: Most Embarassing Memory

Last week I published my first VLOG about my NBA pipe dreams. It was too long and repetitive (according to my mom) and had some shaking and lighting issues (thank you to the pros who left constructive feedback). So, in publishing a second attempt, I hope to show some improvement. This one is under three minutes, so it's a quick view. Please leave me feedback so I can continue to improve.

I told you mine; please tell me yours (by commenting below)...


  1. lighting was great! Background too... you were also better at not repeating yourself and saying 'um' a lot. My only suggestion is to look directly at the eye of the webcam, as if it were someone's face... that will be more personal, and less awkward. Great job!

    1. Awesome - I'll do it. Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment :)

  2. It looked a lot better Suzi. I like the the top that you picked, looked very nice. I thought the camera angle and your angle to the camera were better. Nice job!

  3. I thought you went on too long about what happened. If you wrote yourself a note and went over it several times beforehand, your discussion would be much more interesting. Also, look straight at the camera. We don't contact with you. Good lighting and excellent picture.
    I can't remember ever being embarrased. I must have done stupid things, but none reside in my memory.
    I'd love it if you would comment on my bolog fro the 3rd. It's difficult for me in England. The thread's not posted when I close down in the evening, and in the morning(now) it's your 2am. So--no comments.

    1. Hi Francene...thanks for the advice. Heading over to check you out now. :)

  4. Go you! I am not brave enough to try this yet, you did a great job x

  5. Suzi, Agree that you need to look directly into the camera. Also, I think you should have talked about how big the crowd was before you get to the embarrassing moment. Build it up to the climax a little more. But, you go girl. You're a natural. Doing a Vlog would be my most embarrassing moment.

  6. I think it is great, You are braver than me - have done one and chickened out since LOL
    I would agree that you need to look into the camera more - but other wise Bravo!

  7. When I was in junior high, some friends and I decided to wear dresses, high heels, nylons - the whole works - to school the following day.

    All went well until the school day ended, and we decided to sit on the railing in front of the school while waiting for the bus to pull up. We all managed to perch gracefully on the rail until I lost my balance, fell over backwards and ended up hanging by my knees from the top rail with my dress hiked up around my waist while all the other kids waiting for the buses roared with laughter.

    For days afterwards, people would come up to me and make jokes and comments, and some even asked me if I had done it on purpose. One guy grinned at me devilishly and asked me when I was going to wear a dress again - I not only didn't wear dresses after that, I never sat on that doggone rail again, either.

    I can laugh about it now, some 40 years later. In all my life since then, I've never even come close to matching that particular feat, a fact for which I am DEEPLY grateful. lol

  8. Kudos to you for sharing such an awkward moment! I don't feel qualified to offer any tips, since I have never done a VLOG and don't know if I would - way too self-conscious!

    I can share an embarrassing experience this way, though:
    I have dimples, large ones, inherited from my Dad - when I was in college the first time around, about the age of 20 or so, I was a member of a singing tour group. When the director was introducing all of us one time, he referred to me as the one with the Grand Canyon spread across my face!

    1. Hi and thanks for reading and commenting :) Wow, that choir director made an error. I hope he apologized to you. Thanks for sharing :)


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